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Wednesday, December 19, 2007


"Jagat bhog jo hain nishpaapaa, so sab dein turvavein aapa.Jog bhog sang sang karwavein, dou bairin ko jod milaveinudyam, pesha, kuchh na chhudvein, rakhi jagat mein bhaktidridaavein.Raag beech bairaag karaavein, Parmaarath anuraag badaavein".

To simplify:

This is the ultimate word about Grihasth Satsangis that Satguru conveys: Live in this world whilst remaining detached from it break away from the vain self. Satguru helps one to do so. He enables one to free oneself of what may seem as contradiction in this. He does not make one give up either business or profession. He enables one to achieve firmness towards devotion whilst being a part of this world. Within the melee of the world, he teaches asceticism subsequently the sadhak's devotion to parmarth increases day by day.

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